
Please be aware that the manufacturing of CFRP cutting die and the process of CFRP punching with the cutting die are HAGATAYAs patented or patent-application technologies including its treatments after the punching.

Determined by the application of the patent.

All matters regarding the cutting of our company’s High-strength Fibre Reinforced Plastic boards are determined by the application of the patent.
Please be aware that the cutting (blades, moulds and equipment) and after care of the composite materials which has been entwined with resin such as carbon fibre, aramid fibre and other various fibres (including 3D) touch upon the patent of our company.
Numerous patent applications have also been made for the related areas.
Furthermore, please consult us for any use of these patent applications for manufacturing. For any unauthorised use, we reserve the right to take legal action and seek compensation for damages incurred.