
Please be aware that the manufacturing of CFRP cutting die and the process of CFRP punching with the cutting die are HAGATAYAs patented or patent-application technologies including its treatments after the punching.

Q and A about Products & Drawings

Q. When sending drawings,blueprints, what is the best format to use? Hard copy, CAD, FAX or PDF?


It would be best if a hard copy of the actual size (1/1) could be posted to us. For people who would like their blueprints returned, please send a copy instead of the original as there is a chance the blueprint will get dirty during the working process.


Your sample piece of the product is also enough for us to manufacture the cutting die.
Please note that the sample piece may become dirty during the working process.


Please note we cannot accept CAD data (or else) that needs the specific software, except the case of 3D products. For further details, please contact us.


In case of your data via fax, which we accept, please mark in the open space 50 and 100 mm (or 2” and 4”) lines in length and breadth, as fax print is apt to shrink. When you fax us a large size one please cut it into 2 or 3 to send us.


Your PDF data is also acceptable. We wish it to be a full-scale one.
Please mark the 50 and 100 mm ( or 2” and 4”) lines lengthwise and breadthwise as same as mentioned above for the fax case.